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Tesla delays Cybertruck shipment without explanation, meanwhile owners complain about gas pedal

The Tesla Cybertruck, which has been the subject of previous issues, has encountered another one. Over the weekend, dozens of customers who were waiting for the car were informed that the Cybertruck delivery was canceled due to an "unexpected delay i...

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Tesla will lay off about 14,000 employees - 10% of its entire workforce

At the beginning of the month, Tesla reported a drop in electric car sales for the first time in four years and is now preparing to lay off at least 14,000 employees - 10% of the total workforce (140,473) as of early 2024. Electrek and Reuters write ...

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In the first quarter Ukrainians bought 75% more cars from China, most of all - Volkswagen ID.4

Chinese-made electric vehicles continue to reshape the landscape of the automobile-electric vehicle market in Ukraine - you can see for yourself by looking at the latest statistics from Ukravtoprom for the most popular models in the first quarter of ...

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Unexpectedly, BMW's electric car sales surged amid declines at Tesla and Volkswagen

BMW AG significantly increased sales of fully electric cars in the last quarter - quite unexpected success for the German brand, which has a unique reputation, especially sharply contrasting with the less optimistic results of Tesla and Volkswagen. ...

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Mark Zuckerberg became the third richest man in the world with $186.9 billion and surpassed Ilon Musk

Mark Zuckerberg has surpassed Elon Musk and has become the third richest person in the world. In early March, Musk was in first place in the Bloomberg billionaire index, but dropped to fourth after news of his canceled exit (which Musk later denied)....

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Tesla reported its first-ever drop in electric car sales. BYD's sales collapse almost 1.5 times

Returning to the beloved section Tesla vs BYD electric vehicles, let's discuss the new sales report for Tesla cars, which once again achieved victory over BYD after the first knockout in the last quarter of 2023. However, there is a nuance - for the ...

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Musk says Tesla Optimus robot should cost "like half a car" - and will soon support 5G

It's been just over two years since Elon Musk announced that Tesla has started moving towards the development of humanoid robots. The company quickly showed the first prototypes (one assembled model that barely moved, and another one that stood on a ...

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Tesla will showcase driver assistance system during every auto sale in the U.S.

Tesla is intensifying the promotion of driver assistance technologies. Now employees of the company in North America must install and demonstrate the relevant technologies before handing over the cars to buyers. This is a "strict requirement," which,...

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Ilon Musk says taking ketamine during low mood periods is in investors' best interest

Elon Musk admitted last year that he was prescribed ketamine for treatment and stated that he takes the drug "periodically" — at times when he experiences "chemical surges" that can cause depression. In a new interview, the billionaire added that ta...

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Fight back against Tesla and BYD. Nissan and Honda will collaborate on more affordable electric cars

The second and third largest car manufacturers in Japan are delaying their historical fierce rivalry, preparing for the upcoming wave of high-tech affordable models from China. As reported by Electrek, Nissan and Honda have announced that they are c...

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Tesla faces lawsuit over Autopilot's role in deadly 2018 crash

Soon in the USA there will be a court case regarding an accident involving a Tesla car that led to a death almost 6 years ago. The court will be held in California on March 18 and will determine whether Tesla company and its driver assistance softwar...

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Tesla's value has fallen by $234 billion this year - that's more than McDonald's, Disney or Nike are worth

Stocks of automaker Elon Musk fell by 29% in less than 10 weeks, closing Wednesday at the lowest level since May. As a result, Tesla's market value has dropped from nearly $800 billion to just over $550 billion - a total of $234 billion, which is mo...

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OpenAI says Ilon Musk wanted to merge it with Tesla for "absolute control"

The developer of ChatGPT has rejected the claims of the billionaire outlined in the lawsuit last week. Musk claimed that OpenAI allegedly focused on making money and forgot about its primary goal of developing "artificial intelligence for the benefit...

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Tesla halted operations at Gigafactory Berlin due to power outages. Sabotage by eco-activists is suspected

Tesla was forced to halt work at Gigafactory Berlin after a significant power outage, which may have been caused by sabotage. It has been a tough few weeks for Tesla's factory in Berlin, the only car manufacturer plant in Europe, reports Electrek. F...

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Toyota says it will continue to buy credits so it doesn't "waste" money on electric cars

Car manufacturers that do not comply with the environmental standards of the countries and want to avoid problems with regulators are forced to buy so-called regulatory credits from other companies that meet the requirements - for example, from Tesla...

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