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Ilon Musk's haters have painted some Tesla Cybertruck - in two words writing what they'd like to do with it

Ilon Musk's haters have painted some Tesla Cybertruck - in two words writing what they'd like to do with it
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Haters of Elon Musk have vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks that were awaiting delivery in a parking lot in Florida. Earlier, Tesla temporarily halted Cybertruck deliveries due to issues with the windshield wiper motor. This led to the company accumulating Cybertrucks in parking lots in many US cities.

People who clearly do not like Elon Musk decided to paint graffiti on dozens of Cybertrucks, parked at a newly rented company parking lot in Fort Lauderdale. It is unclear if there are real damages to the vehicles and how easy it is to remove the "Fuck Elon" inscriptions.

Technically, all of these vehicles are owned by Tesla: although they are intended for customers, they have not yet changed ownership. Many people associate Elon Musk and Tesla, and therefore vent their personal hatred on the vehicles. The act of vandalism has already received some humorous comments:

"I thought this was one of the new color options."

"Elon Musk wrote this himself."

Actually committing vandalism is bad, but this act demonstrates the extremely polarized attitude towards Musk in American society. Such a controversial and sometimes toxic person can become a problem for the company he leads.

Source: Elektrek

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