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Google has blocked Russia - It is no longer possible to create a new account with a Russian phone number

Google has blocked Russia - It is no longer possible to create a new account with a Russian phone number
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Last month, the so-called Russian authorities began to restrict the normal operation of the video hosting platform YouTube within this territory. Google's response was swift. A few days later, Russian users faced the end of YouTube monetization and website operations, as the Google AdSense service started deactivating Russian accounts. Now, Google has gone a step further and limited the ability for Russians to create new accounts.

According to the so-called Russian media complaining, from today onward, internet users cannot complete the registration of a Google account using their Russian phone number.

When attempting to register a Google account, the system allows users to go through almost all the steps: selecting a name, gender, and date of birth, as well as creating an email address and password. However, confirming a Russian mobile number fails, as it states that "this number cannot be used for verification."

Using VPN services to try to bypass these restrictions does not resolve the issue.

Some services that have left Russia have also removed the option to verify accounts using Russian numbers. In some cases, the ability to select the phone code +7 has disappeared entirely. Google, however, still retains this option, but it does not allow effective use of such numbers. What frustrating news...

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