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YouTube immediately rewinds the video to the very end if the user has an ad blocker activated

YouTube immediately rewinds the video to the very end if the user has an ad blocker activated
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It seems that YouTube continues to encourage users to disable ad blockers. The new restriction is quite strict - it does not allow users to watch videos at all if they have an ad blocker activated for YouTube.

This week, many have noticed that YouTube plays a few first seconds of the video, and then suddenly jumps right to the end. This strange phenomenon only happens to users with an ad blocker installed. When the blocker is disabled, video playback works as usual.

Users also report that the sudden skip to the end of the video occurs even when the video is being replayed. When trying to skip to a specific part of the video, in some cases, it just endlessly buffers.

New Youtube adblock weird behaviour — video automatically skips to the end
byu/SDHD4K inyoutube

Although YouTube administration has not officially announced that this is a new feature of the service aimed at combating ad blockers, all signs point to that. However, it cannot be ruled out that this is a problem with the ad blocker itself.

In June of last year, the platform limited the number of views to three videos for users who use ad blockers, in November it began to aggressively slow down the entire site, and then tightened restrictions on a larger number of users. The situation changes if you turn off the ad blocker. The same will happen if you switch to Premium (individual YouTube Premium subscription in Ukraine costs 99 UAH per month (student 59 UAH), while the family plan for YouTube Premium for 6 people costs 149 UAH per month).

Source: 9to5google

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