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X / Twitter will allow blocked users to see your posts - Musk changes privacy policy

X / Twitter will allow blocked users to see your posts - Musk changes privacy policy
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The X platform (formerly Twitter) is changing its user blocking function, allowing blocked individuals to view public messages, albeit without the ability to interact with them. This was announced by Elon Musk on his account.

Currently, when a blocked user attempts to view the profile of the individual who blocked them, they see the message "You are blocked." This prevents them from accessing messages, replies, media files, and follower lists.

A representative from X explained to The Verge that this change is being implemented because users can already view messages from those who blocked them by using another account or logging out.

Musk has repeatedly expressed his disdain for the block button. Last year, he stated that this feature "makes no sense" and should be replaced with "a stronger form of mute." He even threatened to entirely abolish the ability to block users, with the exception of direct messages.

While the X block button will still prevent someone from interacting with a user’s messages (liking, commenting), they will still be able to see them. This could make it easier for malicious actors to stalk victims online.

Source: The Verge

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