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Most VPN programs do not work on Copilot+ PC - native Arm versions are required

Most VPN programs do not work on Copilot+ PC - native Arm versions are required
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First Copilot+ PC systems are starting to appear on the market, and gradually we are beginning to learn details about them that were not announced by computer or processor manufacturers. This time we are talking about VPN.

During the testing of the Surface Laptop by Аndroidauthority reviewers, it was found that most VPN programs will not work on Copilot+ PC computers. If the VPN application is designed for x86/x64 systems, the installation simply will not succeed. There is no way to install a VPN application and then use the Windows Prism emulator to run it.

This has been a problem with Windows on Arm systems for many years. And with the launch of Copilot+ PC, it still has not been resolved, despite the significant attention from Microsoft, Qualcomm, and partner manufacturers to this launch. No VPN program works on Copilot+ PC unless it has a native Arm version. Among all the relevant programs, only Surfshark VPN was successfully installed during testing, which offers a version for Arm. Private Internet Access (PIA) plans to release an Arm version and is currently awaiting Microsoft certification, after which it will be able to offer a beta version.

Meanwhile, users of Copilot+ PC laptops will have to find workarounds. One of the simplest is to use a browser extension if the VPN provider offers it. Although in this case, protection is only provided for the browser and not for the traffic of other programs. Another option is to use the built-in Windows VPN system. To do this, you need to get credentials from your VPN provider, enter them in Windows, and then use the Windows system instead of the VPN application. Another option is to use VPN for the entire local network. Although for most PC users, it will be difficult to perform all the necessary actions.

Source: Аndroidauthority

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