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Army+ from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - a chatbot that will advise the military and those subject to military service in Telegram has been launched

Army+ from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - a chatbot that will advise the military and those subject to military service in Telegram has been launched
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The Ministry of Defense has launched the Army+ chatbot, positioned as a consultant for conscripts, military personnel, and their families.

The chatbot is already available on Telegram via the link:

Army+ offers "real-time answers to a wide range of questions": military personnel can inquire about financial, material, and housing support, the status of military IDs, prosthetics, sanatorium treatment, benefits, etc.; civilians can get answers about types of military service, deferment, list of military commissions, and more; while families of Ukrainian defenders can learn about medical assistance, merit payments, and so on.

To obtain the necessary information, users need to select their status and then the corresponding category of questions.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense announced the launch of a separate Army+ application - something like "Dії" for the military, which will display specialized services and documents, such as standardized report templates. It is expected that the application will be launched in the summer.

Another application of the agency Reserv+ recently updated an electronic military document with a QR code and the option to correct data online without visiting the TCC (in certain cases). According to the Ministry of Defense, over 500,000 such documents have been generated through the mobile program - almost a third of all data updates in Reserv+.

The Reserv+ application is currently available in 178 countries and can be downloaded via the following links: on Google Play and App Store.

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