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Hacker forum sells sensitive AMD data - company launches investigation into possible hack

Hacker forum sells sensitive AMD data - company launches investigation into possible hack
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AMD is investigating whether it has become a victim of a cyberattack. The investigation began after a hacker put up allegedly stolen AMD data for sale on a hacker forum. The hacker claims that the lot contains information about AMD employees, financial documents, and confidential information.

"We are working closely with law enforcement representatives and a third-party hosting partner to investigate the claim and the importance of the data," AMD said in a statement.

The seller shared screenshots of some allegedly stolen AMD account data, but has not yet disclosed how much they are selling them for and how they were obtained.

"Today I am selling a data leak from Thank you for reading and enjoy!

"In June 2024, AMD, a major computer company, experienced a data breach. Compromised data: future AMD products, technical specifications, employee databases, customer databases, asset files, BIOS, source code, firmware, and finances," the author stated in their message on the hacker forum.

The hacker also stated that the data includes an employee database that contains user IDs, names, job titles, work phone numbers, email addresses, and employment status.

Source: bleepingcomputer

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