In the versions of Microsoft Office released between 1997 and 2004, a digital assistant Clippy in the form of a paper clip was used. Subsequently, the company abandoned it with the release of Office 2007, although there were attempts to revive Clippy in various reincarnations: in Microsoft Teams, on "ugly" Christmas sweaters, as a money clip. Now it's time for a new attempt to revive Clippy - as part of a third-party open-source utility called Winpilot.
The Winpilot program is designed to remove viruses, disable annoying standard user interface settings, and remove ads from Windows 11. It has existed since 2023, but was called BloatyNosy back then. The new version 2024.5.6 added a utility Tiny11builder, which creates a reduced installation ISO image of Windows 11. Other features include the ability to disable personalized ads, restore the full context menu, clean up preloaded software, and disable Bing Cloud content search.
Clippy appears in Winpilot to help the user navigate through various application features. The Clippy popup hint is located above the application's user interface. When you first launch Winpilot and interact with the program, Clippy offers you the opportunity to ask questions and suggests two options - for example, to check the version of Windows or "Fix my system".
If the user hasn't asked anything or clicked on the popup hint yet, they will receive a random suggestion or comment from Clippy. When performing a specific action, such as software deletion, the operation status and confirmation will appear instead of Clippy's comment at the bottom of the popup hint.
The Winpilot developer did not create Clippy's functional capabilities on their own, but used code from another open-source project called Clippy from FireCube. Unlike Winpilot, the FireCube program allows you to place Clippy directly on the Windows 11 desktop and connect it to GPT 3.5 (using an API key) so that users can use it as a real AI chatbot.
Source: tomshardware
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