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OpenAI CEO: "In a few thousand days, we may have an AI with superintelligence"

OpenAI CEO: "In a few thousand days, we may have an AI with superintelligence"
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Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, predicts rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. In his blog, he stated that AI could achieve "superintelligence" in just a few thousand days.

Altman added that this process might take longer, but he is "confident that we will reach this goal."

What will the future look like in an AI-driven world? According to Altman, humans will have AI assistants capable of performing far more tasks than they do today:

“AI models will soon become autonomous personal assistants that will handle specific tasks on our behalf, such as coordinating healthcare. Over time, AI systems will become so advanced that they will help us build better next-generation systems and drive scientific progress across all fields.”

Sam Altman

Altman acknowledges that "there are many details" to address before this AI future becomes a reality. One potential obstacle is the cost of energy, along with the expenses tied to producing chips and the infrastructure needed to power these AI assistants. Altman writes:

“If we do not build enough infrastructure, AI will become a very limited resource, leading to conflicts over it and making it predominantly a tool for wealthy individuals.”

Altman also notes that as AI evolves, there will be "significant changes in the job market," but he adds that he does not believe there will be "nothing for us to do." People will find new forms of employment.

Source: Neowin

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