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Subpoenas without the participation of TCC: "Ukrposhta" received 6 thousand automatically created subpoenas

Subpoenas without the participation of TCC: "Ukrposhta" received 6 thousand automatically created subpoenas
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Recently, there were reports about the Ministry of Defense's plans to automate the creation and delivery of summons to military servicemen. It has now become known that this mechanism is already in operation. Summons are created in the "Oberih" registry, signed with a digital signature by an authorized person, and sent for centralized printing.

On September 17, the first centralized exchange of electronic summons took place. Summons from all Territorial Recruitment Centers (TRC), signed with electronic signatures of their heads, were automatically sent to the servers of "Ukrposhta." It is noted that the decision on who to issue summons to was not made at the local TRCs.

In total, "Ukrposhta" received about 6,000 summons for military servicemen to report to TRCs. They have already been printed and are being sent to the home addresses of the servicemen via registered mail.

Upon receiving a summons, there is a 14-day period to visit the TRC. However, it should be noted that in some cases, a summons will be considered "received" even if the addressee has not physically received it or was absent.

As a reminder, under the current legislation, a summons is considered delivered in the following cases:

  • the addressee receives the postal item;
  • the addressee refuses to accept the postal item;
  • the addressee is absent at the address of residence communicated to the TRC when updating their registration details;
  • the addressee is absent at their declared/registered address of residence, provided that the addressee has not informed the TRC of a different residential address.

If a military serviceman fails to comply with the summons, administrative liability is established for such a violation. In this case, offenders will be forcibly taken to the TRC by police based on requests from the respective TRCs, in accordance with articles 259, 261, and 262 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

If it is not possible to transport offenders to the TRC, they will be deprived of their right to drive vehicles through court proceedings until they fulfill or revoke the TRC's requirements.

It was previously reported that military servicemen will be able to verify the authenticity of an automated summons through the "Reserv+” application. Using a QR code scanner, it will be possible to check whether the head of the TRC actually signed this summons and if it is legal.

Source: ukrmilitary

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