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iPhone owners hear strangers talking in the speaker due to an unknown glitch

iPhone owners hear strangers talking in the speaker due to an unknown glitch
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At least two reports indicate that some iPhone owners have begun to hear voices of unknown people coming from their own smartphone speakers.

One user posted on Reddit that initially he perceived a strange male voice as a background app running — however, upon checking, he found that none were activated. In this instance, the iPhone owner heard an unknown person telling someone that they were in a car accident, and two days later, the speaker unexpectedly played some profanity.

It later turned out that this issue is not isolated, and users who experienced it suggest that the cause may stem from a glitch in iOS 18, which plays background sounds randomly.

However, it is quite possible that this is a privacy error, and Apple, which has not yet commented on the glitch, is aware of it. For instance, when iPadOS 18 began blocking devices with M4, the company remained silent until the issue became widespread.

Source: wccftech, phonearena

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