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Telegram channel with fake news about terrorist attacks in Lviv blocked

Telegram channel with fake news about terrorist attacks in Lviv blocked
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Law enforcement officials have shut down a Telegram channel that was distributing information about terrorist attacks in Lviv. This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).

According to the MVD, this Telegram channel was managed from the territory of the Russian Federation.

“This is not the first time that enemy disinformation has attempted to sow panic and destabilize social sentiments,” the agency stated.

It is noted that at the time of the channel's blocking, it had over 2,500 subscribers.

Currently, operational activities are underway to identify individuals involved in disseminating the messages.

Given the blocking of the channel, it can be presumed that Ukrainian law enforcement has established cooperation with the Telegram administration. Previously, Ukrainian officials had complained about a lack of resources and the ability to regulate Telegram's activities in Ukraine, suggesting a complete shutdown of the messenger.

Source: MVD

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