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YouTube has found a new way to show ads - now on pause, too

YouTube has found a new way to show ads - now on pause, too
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YouTube has officially confirmed the broad rollout of pause screen ads for all advertisers following a successful testing phase.

The concept of displaying advertisements during pauses is not new. Six years ago, the first warnings about this ad format emerged. A year and a half ago, Google, which owns YouTube, announced plans to implement this type of advertising on its platform.

Olufunmilayo Falodun, YouTube's communications manager, told The Verge:

“We have seen a positive response from both advertisers and viewers, so we decided to make pause ads available to all advertisers.”

YouTube initiated a pilot project for pause ads in 2023, attracting a limited number of advertisers. In April of this year, Phil Schindler, Google's Chief Business Officer, discussed the success of this format and its profitability for the company.

Last week, Reddit users began reporting a wider rollout of pause ads, which was later covered by 9to5Google.

YouTube claims that pause ads are intended to provide a “less intrusive” experience for users. However, the company did not disclose whether the frequency of regular ads will decrease as a result of this new feature. It is worth noting that YouTube has already experimented with longer but less frequent advertisements, and in 2023, introduced unskippable ads.

Source: The Verge

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