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TCC fines: Courts have considered more than 300 cases and in most cases side with the plaintiffs

TCC fines: Courts have considered more than 300 cases and in most cases side with the plaintiffs
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From June to October 2024, Ukrainian courts reviewed at least 314 cases involving appeals against fines imposed by the TCK. These pertain to decisions made after the introduction of new military registration rules and fines for their violation.

It is noted that the number of such cases is steadily increasing — there are more each month. In June, there were only 10 cases challenging TCK fines, while by September, this number had risen to 148. Since the beginning of October (effectively for a third of the month), 34 cases have already been reviewed.

It turned out that in most cases, the courts sided with the plaintiffs and annulled the TCK fines. Currently, three main reasons for the annulment of fines can be identified:

  • failure by the TCK to follow the proper procedure for imposing fines.
  • lack of compelling evidence of violations committed by citizens.
  • fines imposed during a period when the new regulations had not yet come into effect, providing grounds for their annulment.

At the same time, since the beginning of the year, more than 12,000 fines for violations of military registration by the TCK have been referred to the enforcement service in total.

Source: opendatabot

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