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Steven Spielberg loves computer games, but gamepads are taboo for him

Steven Spielberg loves computer games, but gamepads are taboo for him
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The legendary director Steven Spielberg has revealed himself to be an avid gamer who prefers computer games but struggles to use controllers. This was disclosed by his son.

Spielberg's passion for video games began back in the early 1980s. During that time, he spoke about the instant gratification he experienced from games like Donkey Kong and Tempest.

Max Spielberg, the director's son who works in the gaming industry himself, recently shared insights into his father's gaming preferences. He noted that it was Stephen who instilled in him a love for video games.

“He plays games, he’s a hardcore PC gamer, and that's our common ground,” Max shared.

Spielberg has a particular fondness for shooters, especially the Call of Duty series. He frequently asks his son for recommendations on new games within that genre. Interestingly, the director himself was involved in the creation of the 1999 shooter Medal of Honor, inspired by the filming of Saving Private Ryan.

Despite his love for games with cinematic narratives, Spielberg firmly refuses to use controllers.

“I can't use controllers, only a keyboard and mouse,” Max Spielberg quoted him.

Steven Spielberg was also involved in the development of the Electronic Arts game LMNO, which was later canceled, and took part in the creation of Bloom Blox for the Nintendo Wii, released in 2008. Additionally, his idea was the foundation for the adventure game The Dig, which is still available on Steam.

Source: Techspot

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