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No Yasuke: Assassin's Creed Shadows originally had a Japanese samurai in it

No Yasuke: Assassin's Creed Shadows originally had a Japanese samurai in it
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The protagonist of Assassin's Creed Shadows, the Afro-Japanese samurai Yasuke, has sparked not only discontent among fans but also outrage among the Japanese. However, there wasn't any initial backlash.

Following the announcement of Assassin's Creed Shadows, Ubisoft faced significant negative reactions due to its historical portrayal. This comes in the wake of other less successful titles from the company. YouTuber ENDYMIONtv claims that the controversy could have been avoided: Yasuke was not originally planned to be in the game; instead, the hero was a Japanese character.

The blogger asserts that he spoke with Ubisoft representatives regarding Assassin's Creed Shadows. They informed him that the protagonist was originally a male Japanese character. Another claim made by ENDYMIONtv is that the game may not be released on February 14.

“My source told me that they heard February 2025 is just a placeholder date. … Originally, there was indeed a male Japanese hero with complete art and even an animation”

If these rumors are true, and Ubisoft did replace the Japanese character with a dark-skinned one, the company might face an even bigger scandal. This is particularly concerning given that its CEO recently stated that Ubisoft does not aim to impose any specific "agenda"; such a replacement suggests otherwise.

As for the potential delay of the release, the company may likely postpone Assassin's Creed Shadows to the second quarter of 2025.

Source: Tech4Games

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