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Exodus is a new trailer for the mysterious sci-fi RPG with Matthew McConaughey as the narrator

Exodus is a new trailer for the mysterious sci-fi RPG with Matthew McConaughey as the narrator
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The developers of the upcoming sci-fi role-playing game Exodus have released a new trailer for the project, narrated by Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. This is a completely new AAA game.

The game was first announced at The Game Awards late last year, revealing that McConaughey is making his video game debut. This marks the first time we hear his voice. It remains unclear what role the actor will play in this project, although it is all part of the game's mysterious storyline.

The trailer introduces the Mara Yama, likely the game's antagonists. According to a new blog post from the developers, they are described as "horrific demigods, twisted into terrible forms" and "unlike anything humanity has faced in the battle for survival." These beings "lack known territory or a home world, residing in vast cosmic citadels hidden in desolate regions of space."

All of this is very exciting; however, the developers have yet to showcase any gameplay from Exodus. Therefore, it is unclear what to really expect from the game. Although the developers recently promised that gameplay details would be revealed soon.

The game is being developed by Archetype Entertainment, a division of Hasbro Wizards of the Coast. The studio is led by two former BioWare employees: James Ohlen and Chad Robertson. Ohlen worked on many BioWare games as a creative director and lead designer, including Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age: Origins, while Robertson was the services lead on Anthem.

So far, there is no information on the release date for Exodus.

Source: eurogamer

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