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Microsoft has opened the Windows 10 beta test for "new features" - despite the fact that it will end support for the OS in 2025

Microsoft has opened the Windows 10 beta test for "new features" - despite the fact that it will end support for the OS in 2025
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Microsoft plans to end support for the Windows 10 OS on October 14, 2025, and encourages users to switch to the current version of Windows 11. However, the company is now taking an unusual step by opening up its beta program for Windows 10 to test new features and enhancements.

Windows 10 has already received the AI Copilot feature, which was originally exclusive to Windows 11, and may soon receive other features as well.

“To introduce new features and improve Windows 10 as needed, we need space for active feature development using Windows Insider,” the Microsoft Windows Insider team explains in a blog note. “That's why today we are opening the beta channel for Windows Insiders who are currently using Windows 10.”

Microsoft has not disclosed what additional features for Windows 10 it plans to test in the future, but Windows Insiders can join the beta channel to get them earlier. It is important to note that the end-of-support date for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025 remains unchanged.

It is worth recalling that Microsoft announced last year that it had completed work on major updates for Windows 10. However, the company later changed its approach to adding more features to the OS. Microsoft describes this change as a way to "ensure that everyone can get the most out of their current PC with Windows."

Source: The Verge

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