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In the sauna instead of gamedev: the director of a Polish studio took female screenwriters for a steam bath to "better understand the characters"

In the sauna instead of gamedev: the director of a Polish studio took female screenwriters for a steam bath to "better understand the characters"
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Scandal in gamedev: the creative director of the Polish Spectrum Studio, Jacek Pyurkovski, demanded that employees visit a sauna naked supposedly for better preparation for creating a game - this was reported by GameDev.DOU. The studio is currently working on a sauna management simulator (yes, that also seems strange), and before that they had not made any of their own games.

"The main character will be a sauna master and will be responsible for performances in various saunas (smells, music, choreography, everything)" - the project description says, which has many more amazing details.

Polish narrative designer and writer Alexandra Volnaya spoke with Pyurkovski. In the conversation, he mentioned that naked visits to the sauna are a job requirement for studio employees:

"My narrative girls must visit the sauna with me to create an amazing script."

The creative director claims that it is impossible to create a game about a sauna without actually visiting a sauna. But it is worth noting once again that modern games also feature a lot of killing, violence, drugs, and even magic - creating game stories about this with such an approach would be extremely difficult, however, many of them are very successful.

Jacek Pyurkovski's approach has been criticized by social media users and representatives of the Polish gamedev community. In particular, the creative director of The Astronauts, Adrian Chmielarz, noted that, firstly, the idea of experiencing something to create a script is "crap", and secondly, if the leader insisted on it, he should have asked the employees to visit the sauna in a way and with company convenient for them, with the studio covering the cost of such an experience.

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