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Dragon Age screenwriter thinks the game series is a "terrible idea" but would agree if it was unlike "Honor the Villains"

Dragon Age screenwriter thinks the game series is a "terrible idea" but would agree if it was unlike "Honor the Villains"
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The lead writer of the Dragon Age series from BioWare shared his thoughts on which games, in his opinion, could make excellent television adaptations. And Dragon Age is not one of them.

On April 15, David Gaider, who is currently leading the company Summerfall Games, shared his opinion on which game needs a television adaptation. The developer's response regarding his own product was surprising. Gaider, responsible for the game's setting, believes that transferring its story to television is a "terrible idea."

"I imagine everyone would expect me to say Dragon Age, but that'd be a terrible idea. I want to see Disco Elysium in a David Lynch style (on acid). Or, perhaps, Banishers," Gaider replied to the tweet question.

When asked why Gaider does not consider an adaptation of Dragon Age or even Mass Effect promising, the developer explained: "You take away the interactive element, and you're left with just a standard fantasy story."

As for Mass Effect, Gaider says: "Like Dragon Age or BG3, I find it hard to imagine a Mass Effect series that would do something we haven't seen a dozen times before. A Halo series, for example, could easily be Mass Effect."

Fans of Gaider's work also made their suggestions to him. One of them proposed a series based on Animal Crossing, to which the BioWare veteran replied: "If it was little or not at all like the real game, of course. Animal Crossing, but as an intense political thriller."

Despite this, Gaider says that if there were interest in a television adaptation of Dragon Age, he would be ready to take on the challenge under one condition. "I would be happy to write a Dragon Age series, but I can tell you right now, party fantasy like 'Dungeons & Dragons: Thieves' Honor' would not be my first choice. Or second. Or even third."

Source: Games Radar

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