- is an online magazine where you can find news and updates on modern technologies

Google Drive adds automatic subtitles to video files

Google is introducing a new feature for automatically generating subtitles for video files uploaded to Google Drive, utilizing speech recognition technology. The new functionality operates differently for personal Google accounts and Google Workspac...

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Calmara game: the U.S. shut down an "AI-powered Tinder" that asked you to send a dicepick before a date

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the United States has forced the company HeHealth to shut down its Calmara application, which promised to use artificial intelligence to detect sexually transmitted infections (STIs). According to the FTC's lett...

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ChatGPT seems to have learned hypnosis - is it safe?

Scott Adams, the author of the popular comic strip "Dilbert", claims to have taught the artificial intelligence ChatGPT hypnotic techniques. Adams, who was dropped from his contract last year due to racist remarks, believes that the combination of hy...

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All on AI. Ukraine is the second in the number of AI companies among Central and Eastern European countries

The investment group Roosh, the largest Ukrainian AI community AI HOUSE, and the Ministry of Digital Transformation analyzed the artificial intelligence ecosystem of Ukraine — compiling the main points from the report. Over the past 10 years, the nu...

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Google mentioned the word "AI" 121 times and produced 1.5 "Gemini" per minute during its nearly 2-hour I/O presentation

On May 14, the Google I/O conference took place - a traditional annual event for developers at which the company presents its innovations in the field of web technologies and services. This time, the conference lasted 110 minutes and was entirely ded...

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Logitech announced a computer mouse with an AI button that launches ChatGPT with a single click

Artificial intelligence everywhere and at once - now, in future computers, mice with a ChatGPT button will be added alongside the Copilot key. Logitech has announced its own way to quickly interact with AI - Logi AI Prompt Builder, which allows you t...

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