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Google mentioned the word "AI" 121 times and produced 1.5 "Gemini" per minute during its nearly 2-hour I/O presentation

Google mentioned the word "AI" 121 times and produced 1.5 "Gemini" per minute during its nearly 2-hour I/O presentation
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On May 14, the Google I/O conference took place - a traditional annual event for developers at which the company presents its innovations in the field of web technologies and services.

This time, the conference lasted 110 minutes and was entirely dedicated to artificial intelligence - according to the company's own calculations, the word "AI" was mentioned 121 times during Google's main presentation. CEO Sundar Pichai joked that the company took on the "hard work" of counting for us.

Earlier, by the way, the dictionary publisher Collins named AI ("ИИ" in Russian) the most outstanding word of 2023.

In fact, most of the presentation was dedicated to Gemini (Google's own large language model) and its various iterations (the company is implementing LLM in practically all of its offerings - Android, Gmail, and Search). Interestingly, the word "Gemini" was mentioned even more times than "AI" - 162 times (and if you count "Gem" and "Gems", then a total of 170) - effectively, the company was "spitting out" 1.5 "Gemini" per minute.

The website Android Authority decided to poke fun at Pichai's statements and conducted some interesting additional calculations:

  • The word "Search" / Поиск was mentioned 87 times (but here too, AI was not far behind).
  • The company name "Google" was mentioned 68 times.
  • Android received only 21 mentions (in fact, this is perhaps the first main Google I/O presentation in the last 10 years where Android played such a secondary role).
  • The word "Developer" / Разработчик (at a developers' conference!) was said 21 times.
  • Soon / Скоро - Google's favorite promise, was mentioned 9 times.
  • In the coming / В скором времени and Later this year / Позже в этом году - indefinite periods mentioned 5 times each.
  • Available today or Available now / Доступно сегодня or Доступно уже сейчас - 5 times.
  • The word "Launch" / Запуск in all its variations was mentioned 13 times, while Available / Доступно - 18 times.

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