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Estonian Eirshield air defense against Shaheds - artificial intelligence and three types of weapons

Estonian Eirshield air defense against Shaheds - artificial intelligence and three types of weapons
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The Estonian company DefSecIntel Solution unveiled Eirshield at the Eurosatory 2024 exhibition — an air defense system equipped with artificial intelligence.

The Eirshield system is highly effective against multirotors and fixed-wing drones. It is exceptionally autonomous, performing all air defense tasks without external support. Utilizing advanced radar technology, Eirshield autonomously detects aerial threats from distances of up to 8 km. The radar operates in conjunction with radio frequency sensors and EO/IR cameras, allowing the comprehensive system to verify and classify identified threats.

This air defense system employs artificial intelligence to track targets and disrupt radio signals and satellite navigation, effectively depriving them of control capabilities. Depending on the level of threat, Eirshield deploys various types of air defense munitions — AI drones, certain types of missiles, or a 12.7 mm machine gun. Its modular design enables quick deployment, with setup time for Eirshield not exceeding 15 minutes.

The transport base for the installation is the Bandvagn 206, a two-tracked all-terrain vehicle from AE Systems, which enhances Eirshield's mobility in rugged terrains. This Swedish-designed all-terrain vehicle is familiar to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as it has been provided to Ukraine by Western partners as part of military assistance.

Such systems are relevant for Ukraine as a last line of defense against strike drones and as a cost-saving measure compared to more expensive missiles of modern advanced air defense systems. Additionally, there is a notable shortage of short-range air defense systems.

Sources: Army Recognition, Army Info

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