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SpaceX is building a spy satellite network for the Pentagon - Reuters

SpaceX is building a spy satellite network for the Pentagon - Reuters
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SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a secret contract with the US intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program told Reuters. The spy network is being built by SpaceX's business unit Starshield under a $1.8 billion contract signed in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

If successful, the program will significantly expand the ability of the US government and military to quickly identify potential targets almost anywhere on Earth. The SpaceX contract involves a new powerful spy system with hundreds of satellites and the capability to capture images of the Earth. It is unknown when the new satellite network will become operational and which other companies are involved in the program.

SpaceX did not respond to multiple requests from Reuters to comment on the contract, its role in it, and the details of satellite launches. The Pentagon, in turn, redirected the request to SpaceX and NRO. The latter acknowledged its mission to develop a complex satellite system and partnership with other government agencies, companies, research institutions, and countries, but declined to comment on the extent of SpaceX's involvement in the project.

"The National Reconnaissance Office is developing the most efficient, diverse, and resilient space reconnaissance and observation system the world has ever seen," a representative of NRO noted.

According to sources, the satellites can track targets on the ground and share this data with US intelligence and military. This enables the US government to quickly receive continuous images from almost any point on the Earth, aiding intelligence and military operations.

Since 2020, around ten prototypes have been launched, among other satellites on SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets. The US government's database on objects in orbit shows that several SpaceX missions deployed some satellites that were never reported by the company or the government. Sources confirmed that these are prototypes for the Starshield network.

The planned Starshield network is separate from Starlink, SpaceX's commercial broadband group, which currently has around 5,500 global internet satellites. It is one of the most important capabilities of the US government in space, as it is designed to provide constant, comprehensive, and rapid coverage of activities on Earth.

"No one can hide," says one of the sources.

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