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YouTube will increase the length of Shorts to 3 minutes instead of one minute

YouTube will increase the length of Shorts to 3 minutes instead of one minute
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Starting October 15, content creators will be able to upload Shorts videos that are up to three minutes long. YouTube explains this move by citing numerous user requests.

YouTube's competitor, the TikTok platform, already allows users to publish videos of up to 10 minutes in length. Over the past few years, TikTok has gradually increased the duration limits for videos.

YouTube has also introduced a template feature that will enable creators to use formats from other Shorts. Creators will be able to sync their clips with popular sounds from other videos. This feature is similar to an option in TikTok, where users can choose from pre-existing video styles and adapt them to their preferences.

The company is actively promoting Shorts as an alternative to TikTok, adding similar features and investing in incentives for creators to produce short content. At the same time, YouTube acknowledges that some users prefer the longer videos typically associated with the platform. To address this, the company has added an option to “show fewer Shorts,” which temporarily reduces the number of short videos displayed in the user's feed.

As a reminder, YouTube recently significantly increased the price of its premium subscription. In Europe, the price of YouTube Premium rose by 50% (although it remains unchanged in Ukraine for now).

Source: The Verge

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