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Mobile operators must ensure 10 hours of network operation without light - State Specialized Communications Service

Mobile operators must ensure 10 hours of network operation without light - State Specialized Communications Service
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The State Special Communications and Information Protection Service of Ukraine (Gosspetsviaz) has instructed mobile operators to increase the autonomous operation time of equipment during power outages. This is stated in the Order of the National Center for Operative and Technical Management of Telecommunication Networks dated July 15, as reported.

Currently, stabilization and emergency power outages continue in many regions of Ukraine. During power outages, the quality of communication deteriorates rapidly for subscribers, and in many cases, the ability to use mobile communication - internet and voice calls - completely disappears.

Previously, communication operators were required to provide a minimum of 4 hours of communication for subscribers. However, the problem is that within a few hours when power is restored, the operators' equipment does not have enough time to fully recharge. Therefore, after the next power outage, the communication quickly deteriorates and disappears again.

The new directive requires operators to ensure uninterrupted network operation and maintain communication for at least 10 hours. Operators must provide such autonomy by February 1, 2025, gradually introducing the necessary backup power sources at base stations.

Mobile operators must meet the requirements within the following deadlines:

  • by October 1 - 60% of base stations in each region must be equipped with appropriate backup power sources
  • by November 1 - 70% of base stations in each region
  • by December 1 - 80% of base stations in each region
  • by February 1 - all 100% of base stations must provide 10 hours of continuous communication.

Additionally, it is noted that by December 1, 2024, at least 25% of the base stations should operate for up to 72 hours in the absence of power supply. In the event of a prolonged blackout, these stations will provide makeshift "communication islands" where users can connect to the network if needed.

At the same time, there are requirements for ensuring communication for emergency services, critical infrastructure, and major nodes of the network infrastructure for up to 72 hours.

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