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Candidates for subpoenas in the register "Obereg" will be selected on the principle of targeted advertising - Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Candidates for subpoenas in the register "Obereg" will be selected on the principle of targeted advertising - Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
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In the Ministry of Defense, it was explained who will receive summons from the TCQ in the first place and by what criteria potential candidates will be selected.

It should be reminded that July 16 was the last day out of the 60 allotted for updating data - currently, the requirement has been met by 4 million Ukrainians (about 2.7 million through the Reserve+ application, the rest - through the TCQ or the SPAU). Next, the data entered in the "Obereg" registry will be used to determine who will receive the summons in the first place - this can be done automatically by setting the necessary search criteria (for example, age or specialty).

"The General Staff understands what needs they have now - what professional skills, what age people and their conditional profile should be. It's like targeted advertising. That is, you work specifically with those audiences that you need right now, without spending your additional time," says the Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Ekaterina Chernogorenko.

With the help of the registry, they will also identify those who avoid fulfilling their military duty and against whom proposals for arrest and forced delivery to the TCQ will be sent to the police.

Also, "Obereg" will display data on open enforcement proceedings for overdue fines from the TCQ. At the same time, if a person does not accept or sign notifications from the TCQ, it will be considered delivered, explained Chernogorenko.

"Regarding notifications, yes, indeed, they will be considered delivered even if a person has not put their signature, similar to how it happens with a court summons."

Currently, the Ministry of Defense is working on a regulatory framework that will allow a TCQ employee to request data about a person from various state registries without the person's knowledge (that is, even if the data is not updated, it can be found, for example, in the Tax Service registry, etc.). According to Chernogorenko, "Obereg" already has exchanges with 8 registries.

"These are the registry of acts of civil status, Unified demographic registry. Almost all the data that exists in registries about a person, we can retrieve from the registries," said Chernogorenko.

Source: Sudova-yurydychna hazeta

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