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Xi Jinping on chip export restrictions: "No force in the world can stop China's technological progress"

Xi Jinping on chip export restrictions: "No force in the world can stop China's technological progress"
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Recently, the President of China and the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, met in Beijing to discuss the semiconductor industry. Relations between the countries became tense after the Netherlands, together with the USA, blocked the export of advanced microchip technologies to China out of concerns that they could be used for military purposes.

"The Chinese people also have legitimate rights to development, and no force can stop the pace of China's scientific and technological progress," said Xi to Rutte during their meeting in Beijing.

He added that China "will continue to adhere to an approach where all parties win."

Restrictions imposed on China include a ban on the export of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines - Dutch giant ASML is currently the only company in the world producing them. This technology is crucial for chip production and is used by companies like Taiwanese TSMC to create the smallest and most complex chips (currently, no such ASML machines have been sent to China).

Beijing criticized the Dutch government's decision, calling on the country to "maintain an objective and fair position and market principles," as well as "protect the common interests" of the two countries and their companies.

"Creating scientific and technological barriers and disrupting industrial chains and supply chains will only lead to division and confrontation," Xi said on Wednesday, as reported by state media (via CNBC).

Xi stated that China is ready to continue the dialogue with the Netherlands and called on the Dutch side to "ensure a fair and transparent business environment for Chinese enterprises."

As reported by Reuters, Rutte said on Wednesday that the Netherlands had tried to ensure that export restrictions on the semiconductor industry and companies like ASML were never aimed at one country.

"We always try to make sure the impact is limited," his words are quoted.

Chinese state media reported that Rutte replied to Xi that the detachment "is not a political choice for the Dutch government, as any actions undermining the interests of China's development are just a boomerang."

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