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Telegram blocking: Poltava regional council prepares to ban messenger in the region

Telegram blocking: Poltava regional council prepares to ban messenger in the region
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The Poltava Regional Council has begun preparations for a vote to ban the messaging app Telegram within the region. This information was revealed during a broadcast of the committee meeting on regulatory issues.

The committee discussed the topic "On the prohibition of Telegram usage." One member noted that he had to register through the messaging service to access the State Agricultural Register. This raised concerns among the members, as "Telegram's servers are located in St. Petersburg," posing a risk of information transfer to Russia.

Citing clarifications from Ukrainian special services, the deputies unanimously recommended banning Telegram in Poltava region. The issue will now be addressed at a session of the Poltava Regional Council.

It is important to note that since last month, the use of Telegram has been prohibited on official devices for civil servants and military personnel in Ukraine. The messaging app is also restricted in critical infrastructure facilities due to national security threats.

The SBU and General Staff reported that Russians are actively using Telegram for cyberattacks, spreading malicious software, determining user geolocation, and adjusting missile strikes.

Source: zmist

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