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Shine 2.0: portable wind generator for camping and blackouts

Shine 2.0: portable wind generator for camping and blackouts
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Aurea Technologies has developed the portable wind turbine Shine 2.0, which may attract interest from Ukrainians amid power outages. It only requires a gentle breeze to generate enough energy to charge a smartphone, while stronger winds can recharge a laptop.

Aurea Technologies compares the size of the turbine to that of a water bottle. The generator, along with a support structure that stands 90 cm tall and a stabilization cable, weighs just over 1.3 kg. Once the setup is installed and secured, users can generate energy whenever necessary—whether during a hiking trip or a blackout.

The Shine 2.0 generates electricity at wind speeds ranging from 13 km/h to 45 km/h (3.6 m/s to 12.5 m/s). At the minimum wind speed, it produces less than 5 watts of energy, requiring more than 11 hours to charge a smartphone under a "light breeze." However, at maximum wind speed, the device can generate up to 50 watts of energy, which is sufficient to fully charge a laptop in about 2 hours.

To enhance performance, the Shine 2.0 can be equipped with an additional 1.8-meter mounting. This allows the generator to be positioned higher in the air, where the winds may be stronger.

Transitioning from a 13-watt Micro USB port to a USB-C port enables the Shine 2.0 to charge connected devices at 75 watts (from an internal battery with a capacity of 12,000 mAh), and it can also be used to charge larger portable charging stations via a new Power Station Adapter.

A mobile application allows users to connect to the Shine 2.0 via Bluetooth and monitor its operation. The app provides real-time information on current wind speed, the amount of electricity generated, and energy consumption.

Aurea Technologies has launched a campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for the release of the portable wind turbine Shine 2.0. The campaign has already been deemed successful, having raised over $243,000 against a target of $22,000. The retail price for early backers is set at $571. Completed devices are expected to be shipped to customers starting in April 2025.

Source: The Verge

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