According to DigiTimes Asia, Samsung Display has signed an agreement with Apple for the supply of displays for foldable devices. It is reported that this could be a foldable iPhone. There have been rumors that Apple may introduce its first foldable iPhone, possibly by the end of 2026.
The source claims that information about Apple's collaboration with Samsung Display regarding foldable devices comes from the supply chain. Additional details are not yet disclosed. But if the reports are true, the first foldable Apple device, most likely an iPhone, can be expected soon. There have also been rumors that Apple is discussing a display agreement with LG Display.
At the same time, Apple may have also signed an agreement for a foldable display with Samsung for a device that, according to the report, could be a 20.3-inch foldable device. A 20.3-inch device definitely cannot be an iPhone. It could be a new foldable MacBook or a completely new device segment.
Furthermore, a previous leak of a patent for a foldable device suggests that the folding mechanism could be implemented for a wide range of devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, and other portable devices.
There have also been reports that Apple is working on not one, but two foldable devices. There is speculation that Apple redirected some of its resources from the Vision Pro headset department to help develop the foldable device.
Source: neowin
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