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An unknown developer, inspired by Fallout, created an RPG game called Mercer in the popular Excel spreadsheet application.
To play, you will need to understand several basic mechanics:
- Map navigation
- Quests
- Battles
The most challenging part is the battles. However, you will quickly figure it out if you are somewhat familiar with D&D mechanics.
- Initiative. Battle participants take turns based on their initiative score. The order is determined by dice roll. The participant with the higher roll goes first. This order is established in the first round and remains unchanged throughout the battle.
- Combat range. You can only attack if you are within range. For example, melee creatures can only attack when they are next to their target.
- Striking the enemy. A successful strike is based on the enemy's armor class and random chance. If your roll is lower than the enemy's armor class, the attack will be unsuccessful.
- Damage. Depends on your weapon, level, and additional bonuses. All modifiers can be seen on the character stats screen.
You can download the Excel file from the author's blog.
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