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Google co-founder Sergey Brin has been sued by the widow of a pilot who died in a crash while flying his plane

Google co-founder Sergey Brin has been sued by the widow of a pilot who died in a crash while flying his plane
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According to the lawsuit, Brin allegedly tried to "destroy evidence of the crime."

An aviation disaster occurred in May 2023 off the coast of California, when pilots Lance MacLean and Dean Rashfeld were delivering Brin's seaplane to Fiji. To transport the $8 million twin-engine Viking Air Twin Otter Series 400, an auxiliary fuel system was needed, which, as claimed in the lawsuit, the mechanic made "from memory" and did not register with the Federal Aviation Administration.

In the lawsuit, Brin, Google, and several other companies are accused of "incorrectly installed system" and "attempted destruction of evidence."

It is reported that the fuel system failed at the first stage of the flight, and when attempting to turn around, the plane crashed into the ocean. The coast guard, arriving after 15 minutes, was unable to retrieve the pilots and the aircraft.

According to the complaint, Brin allegedly promised to help retrieve the bodies of the deceased, but representatives of the billionaire later informed the widow of MacLean, Maria Magdalena Olarte, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had rejected the request.

Olarte is demanding compensation for five charges and jury trials.

Source: The Verge

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