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Durov has 100 biological children and reveals the DNA code for them to find each other

Durov has 100 biological children and reveals the DNA code for them to find each other
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Single and unconventional thinker Pavel Durov recently discovered that he is, in fact, a father of multiple children. The owner of Telegram now intends to unveil his DNA so that his biological children can choose to identify themselves.

Durov recounts that 15 years ago, a friend asked him to donate sperm at a clinic since he and his wife were unable to conceive due to fertility issues. Consequently, Pavel not only assisted his friend but also became a sperm donor.

“The clinic director told me that there was a shortage of ‘high-quality donor material’ and that it was my civic duty to donate more sperm to anonymously assist more couples. It sounded crazy enough to motivate me to sign up for sperm donation.”

In 2024, Durov learned that his “charitable activity” had helped over 100 couples across 12 countries. And this is not the end, as his sperm is still stored frozen many years after he ceased donating. He plans to give his biological children the opportunity to learn about this:

“Now I plan to open the code of my DNA so that my biological children can find each other more easily. Of course, there are risks, but I don’t regret being a donor. The shortage of healthy sperm is becoming an increasingly serious issue worldwide, and I am proud to have contributed to addressing it.”

Durov also aims to “destigmatize the concept of sperm donation” and encourage men to participate in helping families facing challenges in having children. He advocates the principle “Break conventions — rethink norms!” With such views, Pavel Durov is reminiscent of Elon Musk, who, while not a singleton, has numerous children and consistently emphasizes the importance of their birth.

Source: Du Rove's Channel

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