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Ex-director of Google Ukraine launches Strichka project - a digital community for Ukrainians abroad

Ex-director of Google Ukraine launches Strichka project - a digital community for Ukrainians abroad
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Dmitry Sholomko, who headed Google's office in Ukraine for 17 years and resigned in October last year, announced his new job (and not just one).

Dmitry Sholomko joined the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine, where he took on the position of advisor to the chairman of the board. He also joined the communication consulting company TRUMAN in Ukraine as a strategic advisor. Another project is the launch of the digital community Strichka for Ukrainians residing abroad.

The description on the main page of Strichka states:

"Let's unite in a new format, because together we can always do more. Assistance to Ukrainians, relevant products and services in their native environment. Preserving the Ukrainian cultural code and promoting Ukraine in the world."

Sholomko himself noted that he is a co-founder and general director of the project, which will launch tomorrow - on Embroidery Day.

"Strichka is a non-profit organization that unites, supports, and coordinates pro-Ukrainian public activity, as well as strengthens the Ukrainian civil society abroad, in countries where Ukrainian communities are present. For those of my Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian friends who want to contribute, please join and spread the word."

Source: linkedin

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