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YouTube is testing experimental features: video search with Google Lens, channel QR codes, and AI chat summaries

YouTube is testing experimental features: video search with Google Lens, channel QR codes, and AI chat summaries
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The YouTube team has shared information about some experimental features being tested on the platform. Typically, such features are available for a short period of time and only to a small group of people.

One of the features currently being tested is searching for videos using a smartphone camera and Google Lens. This allows users to find relevant videos based on what the user is currently seeing in the real world. Users participating in the experiment will see the Lens button on the search panel. After clicking on it, YouTube will suggest videos based on the image captured in real-time from the camera. Users can also get more information about visual elements by clicking "Search in Google." This test is being carried out on a small percentage of viewers using YouTube on Android mobile devices.

YouTube is also testing channel QR codes. This feature is designed to make it easier for creators to share their channels with others. Participants in the experiment can share their channel QR code by going to the "You" tab in the app's bottom menu > tapping on the chip below the pen icon labeled "Share your channel" > tapping on the QR code in the menu that appears. Viewers can find the QR code and share it by tapping the three-dot menu on the channel page. Codes can be scanned online and offline.

Furthermore, the platform is testing chat outcomes created by artificial intelligence. Participants in the experiment will see a banner at the top of the chat when joining a live stream that has accumulated sufficient chat activity before joining. These outcomes are based on published chat messages and will not use test text or contain blocked words or be sent by blocked users. This experiment is being conducted on a small percentage of viewers joining relevant live streams in English. The experimental feature is currently not available in all countries.

Source: google

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