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THQ Nordic revealed Gothic 1 Remake gameplay trailer - battles, characters, story about the game world

THQ Nordic revealed Gothic 1 Remake gameplay trailer - battles, characters, story about the game world
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During the THQ Nordic Showcase 2024 event, the studio unveiled a new four-minute trailer for the Gothic 1 Remake. The video showcases the game's graphics created with Unreal Engine 5 and gameplay elements, particularly combat.

Players of the Gothic remake will once again take on the role of the Nameless One. The prisoner will navigate through a world filled with criminals, bizarre creatures, and magic in an attempt to survive.

The video is accompanied by an extensive commentary about the game's world, presumably aimed at new fans. According to the developers, the remake will feature an upgraded combat system. The new combat aims to adapt the classic gameplay mechanics to modern standards.

Nearly five years ago, THQ Nordic released the first demo version of Gothic 1 Remake for PC, which received significant criticism at the time. Responses to the new videos have been more favorable. The release date for the Gothic remake remains unknown. The video carries age restrictions, so viewers will have to watch it on YouTube.

As a fan, the game in the trailer looks quite promising; the world appears interesting and engaging, while retaining the original atmosphere. It's enjoyable to see the familiar characters, and the music resembles the original soundtrack. The combat seems decent, but it's hard to determine whether it has been made more casual, as the combat system was one of the key elements in Gothic.

Source: DSOG

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