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Reserve+ updated: military registration document with QR code and online data correction without a visit to the TSC

Reserve+ updated: military registration document with QR code and online data correction without a visit to the TSC
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From today, the electronic military registration document has appeared in the Reserve+ application, which has the same legal force as the paper one.

Authorized persons can simply scan the QR code and check it online.

Among other updates — the ability to correct data online, which is provided for two cases:

  • "I am a military personnel, but my current status has not been displayed" — for those military personnel whose current status was not displayed in the Oberig register.
  • "Data not found" — for all conscripts who received such notification in the Reserve+ application.

After filling out a special application, the data should be sent to the Oberіg register, where the information is updated remotely.

The Reserve+ application is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

It is worth reminding that from May 18, an updated Mobilization Law came into force in Ukraine, which obliged all conscripts aged 18-60 to update their registration data within 60 days (until July 16 inclusive). Currently, Reserve+ has surpassed 1.5 million unique updates, with 210 thousand women and more than 22,000 citizens registered, residing abroad. Besides Ukraine, data is most often updated in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Canada, and the United States of America.

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