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Pixel smartphones will get Adaptive Thermal feature to address overheating issues

Pixel smartphones will get Adaptive Thermal feature to address overheating issues
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Modern Android smartphones have built-in features designed to prevent overheating and the impact of high temperatures on the phone. Users receive warnings about heating issues, and Pixel smartphones slow down some functions, such as charging speed, and in case of overheating, the phone automatically shuts down to prevent serious damage. Now the fight against overheating is reaching a new level.

Google is developing a new feature for Pixel smartphones called Adaptive Thermal. It appeared in version of the Device Health Service application. The update will provide more detailed information and will take necessary safety measures more promptly. Users will receive advance notification "Phone needs to cool down," as well as notifications about slower performance.

The advance notification is activated through the battery status measurement service when the phone temperature reaches 49 degrees Celsius. Users are advised to avoid direct sunlight on the smartphone, close apps that require more processor power and battery charge, such as games with intensive graphics.

The warning also includes a "See Care" button that will provide detailed information about the steps the phone's operating system is currently taking to cool down the device. The feature will suggest how users can help resolve the issue. If there is no desire to receive extended information, simply press the Got it button, and the dialog box will be closed. Choosing the "Learn More" option will open a Google support page. The company will share tips on how users can help solve the overheating problem.

The Adaptive Thermal feature checks every 5 minutes whether the battery temperature needs to be lowered. When the device heats up to 52 degrees Celsius, Pixel switches to emergency mode. If nothing helps and the heating continues, when the temperature reaches 55 degrees Celsius, a dialog box appears informing users that the phone will be shut down in 30 seconds due to a dangerous temperature level.

Detailed overheating warnings may not be published for Pixel devices in the public version of the software but may instead appear as a server-side update.

Source: wccftech

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