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"Not a bug, but a ficha". The Ukrainian Defense Ministry explained why Reserve+ unlogs users

"Not a bug, but a ficha". The Ukrainian Defense Ministry explained why Reserve+ unlogs users
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The Ministry of Defense says that the logout in Reserve+ (when a person has registered, but the application asks to re-enter the data) happens by design of the developers.

"If the user does not enter 'Reserve+' within a week, the application automatically logs them out for security reasons. Therefore, this is not a bug, but a feature for your security," - explained in an interview with DOU Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Ekaterina Chernogorenko.

It is worth noting that Reserve+ was launched in May and as of today, 2,477,178 people have verified their data through the application. However, in the first days, it could not cope with the load, but apparently, no stability updates are planned, as such influxes are "not predicted" by the Ministry of Defense.

"Now we do not predict such loads, and the second update with military accounting documents showed that the stability of the application was higher. Most problems with Reserve+ arise not from high load, but from errors that occurred during the transfer of data from paper carriers to the registry. We try to fix such errors as quickly as possible, which is why we launched the 'Correct data online' function," Chernogorenko adds.

She also shared data on who and how worked on the development of Reserve+ - in particular, it was the public organization "Office of Effective Regulation" BRDO, which has experience in creating the Unified State Electronic System in the construction sector, the Register of dual-use goods, etc., and several mysterious "subcontractors" who are not named for security reasons.

"External contractors directly wrote the code. All matters related to contractual relations, legal issues, system legalization, technical requirements development - were done internally. But note that the source code of the application belongs to the Ministry of Defense, we are the owners of it. That is, the developer cannot independently change the source code without the ministry," says Chernogorenko.

It is worth noting that as of June 18, Reserve+ added an electronic military accounting document and the ability to correct some data online, and recently the application began to display the current booking status.

The next function of the application is automatic deferment. According to Chernogorenko, the first ones to try it will probably be students and parents of three children. However, the launch timeframe is not yet specified, as initially changes need to be made to the regulatory framework.

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