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Kaspersky Lab software and business banned in the U.S. - some operations will be available until Sept. 29

Kaspersky Lab software and business banned in the U.S. - some operations will be available until Sept. 29
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The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the US Department of Commerce announced the prohibition of Kaspersky Lab, Inc., the American subsidiary of the Russian software manufacturer, from directly or indirectly providing antivirus software and cybersecurity products or services in the United States or to US citizens. The prohibition extends to branches, subsidiaries, and parent companies of Kaspersky Lab, Inc.

In particular, Kaspersky will no longer be able to sell its software within the United States or provide software updates for existing users. The full list of prohibited operations can be found at Among the reasons for the ban:

  • Jurisdiction, control, or government ownership in Russia
  • Access to confidential information about US customers through administrative privileges
  • Potential to install malicious software and resist critical updates
  • Integration of software into third-party programs

Additionally, BIS added AO Kaspersky Lab and OOO Kaspersky Group (Russia) and Kaspersky Labs Limited (United Kingdom) to the list of organizations collaborating with Russian military and intelligence agencies for cyber espionage purposes. The agency notes that today's decision is the result of a lengthy and thorough investigation, which showed that the company's continued operation in the United States poses a threat to national security that cannot be mitigated through softer measures—only through a complete ban.

Individuals and companies using Kaspersky software are strongly advised to swiftly switch to other providers to limit hackers' access to personal or other confidential data. Individuals and businesses that continue to use existing Kaspersky products and services will not face legal sanctions, but assume all associated cybersecurity risks.

To minimize the consequences for consumers and companies in the US and give them time to find suitable alternatives, Kaspersky is allowed to continue certain operations, including updating antivirus signatures until September 29, 2024.

The US government took action against Kaspersky in 2017, when the Department of Homeland Security issued a directive requiring federal agencies to stop using products under the Kaspersky brand in federal information systems. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018 prohibits the federal government from using Kaspersky. In March 2022, the US Federal Communications Commission added products, solutions, and cybersecurity services provided directly or indirectly by Kaspersky to its "List of communication equipment and services posing a threat to national security."

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