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Instagram adds new creative tools: text and images on top of your photos

Instagram adds new creative tools: text and images on top of your photos
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Instagram has enhanced its creative tools, enabling users to make their posts more varied. The platform now allows for the easy addition of text and extra images to photos, applicable to both single posts and carousels.

The company claims that "this provides you with creative flexibility to showcase your content and explore new, more engaging narratives with photos and carousels."

When selecting a photo for a post from your gallery, simply tapping the text button will allow you to add text, or you can click the gallery button in the upper right corner to include additional images as stickers. You can then tap on the sticker itself to alter its shape. Users have the following shape options available: rectangle, square, circle, heart, or star.

Recently, Instagram has also increased the carousel limit to 20 photos and videos in a single post. Additionally, users now have access to new and unique fonts, animations, and effects in a simplified text tool for stories. Once a font is selected, the text can be animated or an effect can be added.

Source: gsmarena

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