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Imagine Dragons were late to their own concerts because of playing League Of Legends - the musicians spoke about their love of games

Imagine Dragons were late to their own concerts because of playing League Of Legends - the musicians spoke about their love of games
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The vocalist of Imagine Dragons, Dan Reynolds, told the Washington Post that he had to postpone concerts because he was busy playing League Of Legends. Reynolds confirmed that the musicians were late to the stage because they were playing League of Legends. This multiplayer online game penalizes players if they exit while the game is still ongoing.

“League of Legends has definitely impressed me with its complex challenges. You play against other people, but it's not like Call Of Duty, where some 12-year-old boy with a sniper rifle will dominate you every time. There's meta-thinking and macro-strategy, but the most skillful team won't always be the one that wins. It's good because I'm 37, so my muscles aren't what they used to be,” said guitarist Wayne Sermon in an interview with NME.

In 2014, Imagine Dragons performed the Legend Of Zelda composition with the legendary Nintendo composer Koji Kondo at the first Game Awards. Reynolds said, “I was more in awe of that than when we played before [Paul] McCartney.” Imagine Dragons' music has also been used in trailers for Nintendo Switch, and the band has written tracks for Starfield and League Of Legends.

“It's not like we go knocking on the door. They just offer, and we say, ‘Absolutely, that's great’ … My principle from the very beginning has been to follow the child in me. To be a part of what little Dan Reynolds would want to be,” Reynolds said.

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