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Ghost in the Armor: SunoAI's AI music generator unexpectedly cried, users noticed other creepy sounds

Ghost in the Armor: SunoAI's AI music generator unexpectedly cried, users noticed other creepy sounds
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Ghost in the Machine: The AI music generator SunoAI unexpectedly began to sob, and users reported other eerie sounds.

In a bizarre video, the AI-powered music generator SunoAI suddenly starts crying. A user shared this on Reddit.

On the r/SunoAI subreddit, dedicated to this music creation software, user BloodMossHunter posted a 24-second clip showing how the AI emits sounds that resemble crying, which apparently was not part of the user’s prompt.

“Hmm, my Suno started crying at the end. The song stopped, and then there were just sobs. Has anyone else experienced strange things?”

As other users pointed out, emotional outbursts and other creepy audio fragments that unexpectedly appear at the end of AI-generated songs are quite common. In one comment, a user shared a composition generated by Suno and published on Spotify, which includes haunting screams of "No!" at its end.

User SkyDemonAirPirates shared a track titled "Ignorance Was Bliss," which they posted on the Suno platform. In it, a raspy female voice asks the listener if they are “still alive” before bursting into maniacal laughter.

Someone recalled a popular anime: “Seems like there’s a ghost in the machine. Hooray.”

SkyDemonAirPirates created another track that contained sudden cries of "Please help me." The user claims they reported this song to Suno—at least the company is aware of this recurring issue with their software.

During the discussion, users proposed a remarkably simple theory: since some human-created songs have “random” inserts, the AI might be trying to mimic this feature. If users input prompts like “emotional,” why wouldn’t Suno include crying? BloodMossHunter noted that the last tag for the track was “psyche,” which Suno could have misinterpreted.

Source: Futurism

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