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Geophysicists have discovered a doughnut-shaped structure in the Earth's interior

Geophysicists have discovered a doughnut-shaped structure in the Earth's interior
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Geophysicists from Australia have discovered an unusual structure in the Earth's liquid core, which could enhance our understanding of the planet's magnetic field dynamics.

The Earth has a complex internal structure comprised of multiple layers. At the center lies the core, which is divided into two parts: the solid inner core and the liquid outer core. Above the core is the mantle, while the outermost layer is the Earth's crust. Recently, a team of researchers from the Australian National University made a significant discovery. They identified an previously unknown structure within the Earth's outer core, near the boundary with the mantle.

Professor Hrvoje Tkalcic, a co-author of the study, explains that the new structure was found due to the slow propagation of seismic waves. According to him, it resembles the shape of a donut and extends for the first few hundred kilometers below the mantle-core boundary.

To investigate the internal structure of the Earth, the scientists employed seismic tomography. This method allows for the measurement of seismic wave speeds following earthquakes, with epicenters that can reach depths of 700 kilometers. Unlike previous studies, which typically recorded signals within the first hour after an earthquake, Tkalcic's team gathered data over several hours.

The discovery made by the Australian geophysicists opens new avenues for understanding the dynamics of the Earth's magnetic field. Xiaolong Ma, co-author of the work, emphasizes the importance of an interdisciplinary approach for further studying the outer core, which remains a mystery for scientists.

The Earth's core, with the red area representing the "donut," containing a higher concentration of lighter elements around the equator.

The outer core of the Earth is primarily composed of molten iron and nickel. Movements of this conductive mass generate the magnetic field that protects the planet from cosmic radiation. Professor Tkalcic suggests that the discovered structure is rich in light chemical elements, which enhances mixing within the outer core.

The geophysicist also notes that this discovery could be significant not only for studying Earth. New insights into the structure of the Earth's core and its impact on the planet's magnetic field could also benefit research on magnetic fields of other planets.

The research findings were published in Science Advances.

Source: Sciencealert, Phys

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