- is an online magazine where you can find news and updates on modern technologies

OnlyFans for Neural Networks held the first-ever Miss AI pageant - who won?

Online platform Fanvue became the sponsor of the "Miss AI" contest, where the winners were determined. This platform allows authors to post content created using artificial intelligence. The three top prizes for the Fanvue World AI Creator Awards tot...

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Imprisonment through artificial memories - scientist has proposed a virtual replacement for prisons

Hashem Al-Ghaili, a molecular biologist and science communicator from Yemen, knows how to relieve overcrowded prisons. He proposed creating a virtual prison in an interview with Wired. The specialist offers a new neurological prison system, which he...

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Apple is focusing on building a cheaper Vision Pro headset, which should be out by the end of 2025

Apple is likely no longer interested in working on a new high-end Vision headset against the backdrop of slowing sales of the first Vision Pro model. However, Apple is clearly looking for ways to reduce the cost of components for the first model and ...

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Apple has halved its Vision Pro shipment plan (to 400-450 units in 2024) - Ming-Chi Kuo

Apple has reduced its expectations for the supply of the Vision Pro mixed reality headset. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says that now Apple plans to ship between 400,000 and 450,000 units of Vision Pro this year, which is less than the initial market plan of...

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No VR porn: Apple made a 'fatal' mistake in the development of the Vision Pro

Disappointed customers complain on Reddit that the Apple headset, despite many other entertainment options, does not allow watching porn in virtual reality. You can still view porn sites in the standard "flat" form, but this is definitely not what so...

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