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"Most advanced" Stability AI model scared the web with images of mutant humans - but the fingers are still in place

"Most advanced" Stability AI model scared the web with images of mutant humans - but the fingers are still in place
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Recently, Stability AI released its new image generation model Stable Diffusion 3 Medium, which was advertised as "the most advanced" - however, limitations in the training data of the neural network led to a problem in reproducing human anatomy.

Stable Diffusion 3 Medium generates creepy images of three-handed, three-legged, or headless people. According to social media posts, problems often arise when the request includes a background on grass or in water (but it is unclear why).

Comments suggest that the output of images with "mutant people" is related to the limited training data of the new Stability AI model, as the company likely censored most of the human images.

The British startup advertised Stable Diffusion 3 Medium as "the most advanced open model for transforming text into images." It contains 2 billion parameters, should provide photorealistic results, and eliminate "typical errors on hands and faces" - it seems that the problem with the incorrect number of fingers has been fixed, but as we can see, the overall body anatomy has deteriorated significantly.

Currently, users can protest against Stable Diffusion 3 Medium through the Stability API.

Founded in 2020, startup Stability AI was quickly recognized as one of the new leaders in generative artificial intelligence along with competitors like Midjourney and Dall-E from OpenAI. In 2022, investors valued the company at $1 billion. However, by 2023, Stability AI faced a number of lawsuits from artists, the company's CEO Emad Mostak resigned in March, and the company considered a sale due to a cash crisis.

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