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"Greens" against electric cars - Tesla Cybertruck sprayed with paint in Germany

"Greens" against electric cars - Tesla Cybertruck sprayed with paint in Germany
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In Germany, the presentation of the Tesla Cybertruck was interrupted by vandals who painted on the electric pickup. However, while in the United States this is done by Elon Musk haters, in Europe, climate activists are doing the job instead.

It's a bit strange that "green" activists are attacking a company that is involved in the production of electric vehicles (although someone may feel sorry for hungry raccoons), but Tesla has many problems with them in Europe, particularly in Germany. A group of climate activists has been actively trying to stop the Tesla Gigafactory in Berlin for many years, and recently they even occupied a forest where Tesla planned to expand its plant.

These activists are so radical that they are against any personal means of transportation, electric or otherwise. But they target the Cybertruck for more specific reasons. Hendrik Fauer, one of the activists, explained their stance.

The Cybertruck weighs just under three tons, which means it consumes an absurd amount of energy due to its huge weight. Pointless extravagance that we as a society cannot afford. Add to that the sharp design: it's a disaster for safety. The truck perfectly illustrates the consequences of the anti-social policies of recent decades. Several rich people are heading towards a disaster in a well-armored vehicle and dragging everyone along with them.

It seems that Tesla quickly cleaned up the electric pickups and resumed their promotion in Germany. Opponents of the "greens" say that some people really need pickups, and it's easier to build one that has minimal impact on the environment than to persuade people to change their lifestyles. However, life shows that electricity should be saved, for ecological reasons as well. Additionally, the Cybertruck can be considered fairly safe for passengers.

Source: Electrec

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