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Google Phone now has Audio Emoji - sound effects (from laughter to farts) that can be inserted into conversations

Google Phone now has Audio Emoji - sound effects (from laughter to farts) that can be inserted into conversations
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Google has updated the Google Phone app and added sound effects to the dialer for Android. This allows the user to press one of the six Audio Emoji buttons during a phone call to play a short sound signal for both participants.

As a result, the user can convey their attitude towards the conversation or the last sentence heard without words. To express emotions, sounds of clapping, laughter, crying (sad trombone), partying, drumming, and... farting will be available. Access to the buttons can be obtained during a call by touching the option in the additional dial menu or using a small flag located at the bottom.

After the user selects the necessary icon, Google Phone will play the corresponding animation and sound effect for several seconds.

"Express emotions and mood using sounds such as applause, laughter, sad trombone, etc. with emojis that can be pressed during a conversation," explains Google.

To prevent the conversation from turning into a continuous exchange of sound effects, there is a limit on how often the sounds can be used. There must be a certain interval between them.

The Audio Emoji feature is currently being rolled out through an update to Google Phone (version 128) in the beta channel. It is likely to be released for all users in the coming weeks.

Source: 9to5google

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